Stream: haskell-flake

Topic: Using horizon package set with haskell-flake

view this post on Zulip Srid (Jan 17 2024 at 13:01):

After talking to @locallycompact , it seems that using horizon-haskell package set with haskell-flake is a matter of setting basePackages.

Though there are some issues to iron out. /thread for it.

view this post on Zulip Srid (Jan 17 2024 at 13:02):

locallycompact Can we factor out cabalSdist and use it from another location?

What do you mean?

It is used here, btw. Line 15 and 42.

view this post on Zulip Srid (Jan 17 2024 at 13:04):

One thing we should do is allow the user to disable the use of cabalSdist (toggle on/off module option).

view this post on Zulip Srid (Jan 31 2024 at 10:07):

@locallycompact Could you try and see if that works?

view this post on Zulip Srid (Feb 01 2024 at 03:25): in fact

view this post on Zulip Srid (Feb 07 2024 at 07:02):

Proof of concept that works on Linux (not yet on macOS), thanks to @locallycompact

Last updated: Sep 16 2024 at 20:16 UTC